Welcome to my zone

UPDATE 2/5/2024

i am unhappy with how i've built the minecraft app thingy so im just gonna abandon it(for now)

i HAVE had a way better idea though...

im gonna try to make my own pesterchum client!

im getting pretty good with app developement and it might just be me but the godot client on phone is kinda buggy

im not saying im better than those devs but i feel like i could make a less buggy phone app using react native or something

i guess expect some update about that later or something :p

BIG UPDATE YAY 19/1/2024

PRE ALPHA IS ONLINE YAY, there will be updates later(probably incredibly soon) with more than just grass lmao.

also i dont have the controls on the website yet so... just press this list of buttons to see what they do hehe


you can also save and load your creations using the S in the top right and the little select file at the top left

this is very much gonna get redone but it works for now

have fun making.... a dirt house ig :p

the link:game

ugly fucking save file system 18/1/2024 but like a couple hours later lmao

so... technically i got a save system working... ulgy as hell though.recommend right clicking and opening in another tab to fully see what's going on :3

but it's probably not coming today... weewor.

i am very much almost done though and am gonna keep going for another hour or so

release date for very shitty game.... probably tomorrow :p

if it isnt tomorrow it will be delayed for like monday or something cause im going on a trip(unwilling, my mom is dragging me with her lmao)
also thinking of maybe changing the site name but idk yet

another day on the GRIND💰🔥 18/1/2024

i figured out that people can in fact comment on the website through neocities, i did not know this lmao. feel free to leave any suggestions or tips in there i might see em :3

also i made some progress today on the funny game, i just need to fix the selector and building and then i'll roll out the "demo" i guess

might see that later today tbh im grinding so hard rn

even if not, i plan on finishing the thing fully tomorrow so you should be able to see it by then if i dont run into major problems also the game thing isn't phone compatable(yet) but it DOES support multiple screen sizes :3

UPDATE!!! 17/1/2024

i am currently working on a isometric browser game where you can build silly blocks... it may or may not be just minecraft but weird

its technically a school project but im also gonna put it here :D

heres a couple pics of my progress i did just today :3

im kinda proud of the json file stuff cause its the first time ive done anything with it, pretty fun :D (also gives me an idea on how i might make a blog thing for this site :p)

also, i havent implemented the level editing stuff yet but i doubt itll take long, ill put the thing up later :3 ok maybe ill do it tomorrow im tired eepy

dw im gonna make this website pretty eventually :p

first post :3 11/1/2024

i have no clue what im gonna really put here but i kind of wanted to make a personal log of my actions maybe?

idk if im being fully honest, i just kinda wanna make a thing and be able to point at it and go "LOOK, THATS MY THING!"

anyways, i dont know if im gonna do thaat now (11-1-2024 dd-mm-yyyy obviously cause its ccooler) cause i really should be doing other stuff

heres a gif of mr egg dancing :P

oh actually i was thinking of making it so its kinda interactive eventually, like so people can react to stuff

you can have a little faith in my ability to go do that cause i am a software developement student :3

im just limited by my strange ability to never fucking actually do anything lmao

guess for now this kinda counts as my log for today hehe, i gotta go make stuff for school anyways so bye :3 - 11/1/2024